“Did you just cut your hair?!” All of the sudden, my sense of satisfaction at a job (not well done) ((but done nonetheless)) was laced with embarrassment. I hadn’t thought much about it until seeing his face. I’d procrastinated long enough and never did schedule that hair appointment. And so now, on this particularly random day, I noticed my reflection in the mirror and a perfectly good pair of scissors sitting on the counter, so why should I bottle up this wave of inspiration? I went to town and cut off my foot (of hair).
As soon as he came into view, my husband’s expression told me that a “normal” person would not have acted so impulsively. Later – weeks/months later – in putting together the details (the small and not-so-small ones), it was obvious that this was an episode. An oh-so-sexy “manic” event. With hmmm…maybe a tinge of postpartum psychosis? Having just experienced a miscarriage, I could have made that case. But – in the present moment, all explanations aside – what could I say about cutting off my hair? It was just for fun.
Looking back, this was the electric calm before the storm…the spark before the wildfire…when Ignition took me on a wild ride, deconstructing everything in its path.